RSPCA Suffolk East and Ipswich Branch
Mill Lane, Martlesham, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 4PD
Tel: 01473 623280
About Us
We are a Branch of the RSPCA, however, because we are a Branch we are not funded by the RSPCA and therefore have our own policies, so, for example, we still take in stray animals.
We have an Animal Centre near Ipswich and we take on a wide variety of animals needing homes. We have many dogs, cats, rabbis, guinea pigs, ferrets, hamsters, gerbils, chinchilla's and birds looking for homes.
Rehoming Policy
To adopt from RSPCA Martlesham, you will first need to come and meet the bunny/ies you are interested in. You will be asked to fill in the appropriate forms. We will then arrange a time when our home visitor can meet with you for a chat, and to make sure that your accommodation meets our requirements. You will also be provided with a free Rabbit Information Pack. If you want to adopt a single rabbit to bond with a lonely rabbit of your own, then after the home visit you will be asked to bring your rabbit (provided s/he is fully vaccinated and neutered/spayed) to the Centre to ‘date’ the rabbit you wish to adopt.
The Centre is open:
Monday- 11.30-3.30
Tuesday- 11.30-3.30
Wednesday- Closed all day
Thursday- 11.30-3.30
Friday- 11.30-3.30
Saturday- 11.30-3.30
Sunday- 1.30-3.30 (available by appointment only).
Please note that whilst you may express an interest in a rabbit, we can only reserve rabbits after the home check has been carried out.
Other information:
• All rabbits adopted from us are spayed or neutered and fully vaccinated (against both Myxomatosis and VHD) whilst in our care.
• We ask for 50sq ft of permanent access space for a pair of rabbits.
• You can find out more about the home visit and additional requirements at the bottom of the following link
Admission Policy
The admissions policy that we work to is that we always prioritize the animals that the Inspectorate Team bring in, such as cruelty and neglect cases, etc. We then prioritize the animals that the members of the public want to bring in starting with urgent cases first (these would be if people are being made homeless or are moving to accommodation where they cannot take animal or if an owner has died, etc).
How You Can Help Us
We are currently desperate for old towels for the dogs to use over winter!
In addition to that all the money our RSPCA branch need is raised locally through fundraising and legacies. We receive no money from the main RSPCA or from the government.
Even with limited time you can help in all sorts of ways to help support your local branch of the RSPCA.
The RSPCA has over 170 branches which are separately registered charities that carry out vital animal welfare work at a local level. We are the RSPCA Suffolk East and Ipswich Branch
The branches deal with more than 75 per cent of the animals rehomed by the Society. We are all self-funded and need to fundraise in order to survive.
How you can help
At work
• Have a 'dress down day' and charge colleagues £1 to come to work in casual clothes, to wear a silly tie or an outrageous pair of earrings!
• Ask your boss to donate a small prize and hold a raffle.
• Start a cartridge recycling system.
• Ask your staff canteen to give the menus animal names for one week. Get them to put a collecting box at the till and ask for a donation from anyone who goes for those dishes!
• If you have a smoking area, charge smokers a small fee to enter all week - all proceeds to the RSPCA.
• Ask your colleagues to bring in a tin of pet food each. Donate them to your local branch We do feed particular types of food to our animals so please ask as this then eliminates the problem of frequent changes of diet and diarrhoea!
• Contact us and ask what activities we have planned - you can help us by putting up a poster on your staff noticeboard to help us with publicity.
At home
• If you go to the gym, get friends and family to sponsor you on the treadmill, rowing machine, stepper and in the pool for your workouts.
• Get your local landlord to run a pub quiz and donate the entry fees to the RSPCA.
• If you belong to a golf club or any other sporting club, hold a small raffle or run a 'slave auction' in the bar.
• Organise a jumble sale.
• Have a good clear out and donate any unwanted clothes or bric-a-brac to our charity shops in either Felixstowe or Ipswich, or bring into the RSPCA centre.
• Hold a coffee morning at mother and toddler groups.
• Make animal shaped cookies and sell them to friends and family.
• Collect mobile phones and bring them to our centre where we can get money for them.
• Organise a sponsored dog walk with friends in the park.
• Do a sponsored swim or silence.
• Hold a bring and buy sale at guides/brownies/scouts/youth clubs etc.
• Get friends to bring in pictures of their pets and make up an animal board. Charge a small entry fee and get everyone you know to guess whose pet belongs to who.
• Have a pop quiz and charge people to enter.
We also have a lot of volunteers and often need more, to do a wide variety of things, such as door to door collecting, volunteering at the Centre, home visiting, to name just a few.
Current, specific Volunteer roles are
* Volunteer Role: Fundraising Co-ordinator
Purpose of Role: To help with the fundraising activities for the branch. To help raise much needed funds, to help the Branch continue its vital local animal welfare work.
Key Activities: Organising fundraising events and activities for the branch, and helping the team with their own fundraising projects.
Period of Volunteering: Flexible
Time & Duration of Commitment: Flexible but an ongoing commitment is preferred due to the nature of the position.
Experience, etc: Someone with enthusiasm and good organisational skills together with a sense of humour! Ideally event planning skills / experience but not essential, as essentially we are looking for someone who is committed and reliable, and who is good at coming up with new ideas. Transport and computer would be advantageous.
Training provided: As appropriate
Volunteer Expenses: Approved out of pocket expenses
* Volunteer Role: Branch Trustees (Committee Members)
RSPCA Suffolk East & Ipswich Branch is looking for new Trustees to help mange and control the administration of the Branch.
New Trustees are needed to joint the existing 7 Trustees to serve on the Committee and share the responsibility of managing and running this busy branch.
As a minimum, Trustees would normally be expected to attend a monthly meeting and to liaise with other Trustees over the month, as well as playing their part in helping the team raise vital funds. Trustees are elected for a 12 month term at each AGM and need to have been a RSPCA member for at least 3 months before they can join.
Trustee training and guidance is provided. To be a branch Trustee you will need to be committed to the RSPCA’s objectives. Commitment, common sense and the ability to be impartial is vital.
For further information for both volunteer roles please contact:
Kate Grimwood, Branch Administrator on 01449 614057 or